News and Events

News and Events
ENT services

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News and Events
Karibu Mhashamu Baba Askofu

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News and Events
Annual Report 2022

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News and Events
St. Walburg's Day

St. Walburg's Hospital Nyangao is going to celebrate St. Walburg's Day on 25 February 2023. Towards the day, there will be several activities that will be carried out. These activities include diagnosis of diabetes and blood pressure to the villagers from different villages around and near Nyangao Village Ward. There will also be trees planting […]

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News and Events
Partnership with the Government

The Government of Tanzania through public private partnership (PPP) continued to emphasize on quality of health care delivery with compliances on standards. The Government continues to support human resources, financial resources through health basket fund, capacity building, medicines and medical supplies. Also, provided mentorship on laboratory quality improvement and regular supportive supervision.

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News and Events
New Intern doctors arrived

The Missionary Benedictine Sisters (MBS) supported the construction and furnishing of self-contained 10 rooms Interns doctors’ hostel which was completed in August 2020. This enabled the hospital to request intern doctors from the Tanganyika medical council for a one-year internship who are paid living allowance by the Government. Missionary Benedictine Sisters continued to support costs […]

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News and Events
Hospital Management Information System (HMIS)

The hospital is striving to acquire the health management information systems which will enhance the proper resource utilization, reduce Turn Around Time for patients. The connection of reliable internet services by Tanzania Telecommunication company Ltd through National Fibre Network was done, supported by the Government for health information networking i.e DHIS 2. Installation of health […]

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News and Events
NICU nurses Seminar

Under the project of Polish Medical Mission a seminar was organized by Marijke Kingma (medical coordinator PMM) for NICU nurses of our hospital and surrounding facilities. Subjects where respiratory problems, prematurity, birth asphyxia, neonatal sepsis and care for newborn. Also non-medical skills where trained, like communication and teamwork. Practice neonatal resuscitation training was given on […]

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News and Events
Asset valuation

This week the hospital was visited by Edward Mbangukira of M&R Agency. This company started to conduct a comprehensive hospital inventory and assets update for evaluation and to establish a hospital fixed assets register. The main objective is to provide Hospital Management with effective and efficient management report of hospital’s fixed assets which will be […]

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News and Events
Visit "Domino Effect" TV-Crew

October a TV-Crew of the documentary series Domino Effect from Poland visited our hospital. They were here to see and film the work Polish Medical Mission – in cooperation with our staff – is doing in our hospital and surroundings. It is a show about people helping people, about the workers of non-governmental organizations and […]

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